2024 5th Annual Apollo Carter Legacy Weekend. A celebration of Life after death in a garden his mother built to grieve and a sanctuary for relief. Mocha Light Studios was able to film and take portraits this time around.
Bay Area comes out to show massive love for the Apollo Carter Legacy Weekend.
Gathering of Loved Ones
Winter Solstice as an impromptu celebration of seasonal change.
Londrelle Preforms Live in Oakland California for the First Time.
Santos S.O.U.L: Bay Area 2021
Aj God Verbal Apothecary Event
Aj Lightwork Studio Sessions
Malong "A Taste of Africa" Promo for Legend Community Food Vender
Pink Diamond 1st Music Video
Mocha Light Studios was able to film in one day and finish edits within the week.
This was a rehearsal, and I was given little direction for the desired outcome and this is what I interpreted